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Author Events

All book signings are a learning experience, no matter how many you’ve done. This year one of my goals is to book at least one hundred book signings/author events. I know it’s a stretch. Well, I have four scheduled so far. But, no matter how far in advance you schedule, you’re never over prepared.

Case in point, I had a book signing scheduled the day before Easter. However, it didn’t occur to me until later in the week, Easter was a major holiday. I didn’t think that would be a factor. Until we got in the parking lot, and there were few if any cars. Five to be exact. Now mind you, we left more than two hours in advance and arrived five minutes before start time. To say the navigation took us the scenic route is an overstatement. I was in meltdown mode and none of my Yoga breathing exercises was helping. That’s a story for another day. We’ll call it “Author Event Chronicles.”

With that said, these are some helpful tips to do to be prepare for Author/Book signings:

  1. Don’t schedule on or near a holiday.

  2. If time allows, go to your venue before the scheduled date.

  3. Practice, practice, practice your presentation for at least three to four days prior to your event.

  4. Bring plenty of books.

  5. Pens for signing

  6. Giveaways

  7. Business cards/Flyers with Book covers on them and your info (ie. Website, social media handles)

  8. Portable wi-fi

  9. Payment options (Cash-plenty of change, cash app, Square, vemmo, etc.)

  10. Be patient

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